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Styrene Signs - Printed in Full Color & Shipped from All Over with Our Multiradius Shipping Advantage™

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      CheapCheap™ Styrene Printing comes in full color on one single-sided or double-sided,

      with many thicknesses and sizes. We directly print onto the Styrene. Styrene is a durable plastic

      suited for long-term use and so is used anywhere that requires long life and permanence.

      Styrene will be printed at 720 x 720 Resolution. Suggested file format should be PDF and CMYK color space

      CheapCheap™ Full Color Styrene Banners - 20 mil (20 pt)

      These signs ship from Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Torontor, Edmonton, Cleveland, Vancouver and Montreal and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      printed 1 side 1 2 5 10 20 50 100

      in. x in.

      6x24 $29 $32 $40 $53 $78 $154 $256

      12x12 $29 $32 $40 $53 $78 $154 $256

      6x32 $30 $34 $44 $61 $95 $195 $336

      12x16 $30 $34 $43 $59 $90 $181 $309 Sorry, no bleeds

      6x36 $30 $34 $45 $64 $99 $204 $355 this table. Art must

      12x18 $30 $34 $45 $64 $99 $204 $355 be same, though

      12x24 $31 $35 $49 $69 $109 $229 $401 the 2 sides can be

      12x36 $33 $40 $59 $90 $151 $326 $590 different

      18x24 $33 $39 $56 $85 $143 $306 $556

      12x48 $34 $43 $64 $100 $174 $374 $613

      24x24 $34 $43 $64 $100 $174 $374 $613

      24x32 $38 $49 $81 $134 $236 $528 $870

      24x36 $38 $50 $85 $141 $250 $563 $924

      24x48 $41 $56 $95 $164 $294 $585 $1,086

      36x36 $44 $61 $110 $193 $349 $704 $1,335

      32x48 $45 $64 $116 $201 $365 $729 $1,415

      36x48 $48 $68 $128 $223 $405 $813 $1,579

      48x48 $55 $81 $160 $285 $525 $1,059 $2,071

      printed 2 sides 1 2 5 10 20 50 100

      in. x in.

      6x24 $30 $33 $43 $59 $90 $181 $311

      12x12 $30 $33 $43 $59 $90 $181 $311

      6x32 $30 $34 $48 $69 $111 $233 $410

      12x16 $31 $35 $48 $66 $105 $219 $381 Sorry, no bleeds

      6x36 $31 $35 $49 $73 $116 $246 $436 this table. Art must

      12x18 $31 $35 $49 $73 $116 $246 $436 be same, though

      12x24 $33 $38 $54 $80 $131 $283 $478 the 2 sides can be

      12x36 $35 $43 $68 $108 $184 $408 $706 different

      18x24 $34 $43 $66 $103 $175 $388 $666

      12x48 $36 $46 $76 $123 $219 $450 $789

      24x24 $36 $46 $76 $123 $219 $450 $789

      24x32 $40 $55 $98 $164 $294 $630 $1,053

      24x36 $43 $58 $103 $176 $315 $679 $1,130

      24x48 $46 $65 $118 $209 $381 $761 $1,369

      36x36 $50 $73 $136 $244 $323 $903 $1,645

      32x48 $53 $76 $146 $260 $448 $914 $1,783

      36x48 $55 $83 $161 $288 $498 $1,019 $1,991

      48x48 $65 $100 $205 $371 $649 $1,334 $2,621

      CheapCheap™ Full Color Styrene Banners -30 mil (30 pt)


      These signs ship from San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Detroit, Columbus, Nashville and Denver and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.


      one sided


      PRICE signs PRICE two sided


      sign sizes in inches

      24x30 48x18

      can be
      sign sizes in iches

      24x30 48x18

      24x18 14x22 30x18 22x28 24x36 48x24 40x26 36x48 48x96
      24x18 14x22 30x18 22x28 24x36 48x24 40x26 36x48 48x96
      # of signs 10* 12 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 $89 32 SQ FT $101 10 12 8 6 5 4 3 2 1
      # of signs 20 24 16 12 10 8 6 4 2 $158 64 SQ FT $183 20 24 16 12 10 8 6 4 2
      # of signs 30 36 24 18 15 12 9 6 3 $226 96 SQ FT $264 30 36 24 18 15 12 9 6 3
      # of signs 40 48 32 24 20 16 12 8 4 $295 128 SQ FT $345 40 48 32 24 20 16 12 8 4
      # of signs 50 60 40 30 25 20 15 10 5 $364 160 SQ FT $426 50 60 40 30 25 20 15 10 5
      # of signs 100 120 80 60 50 40 30 20 10 $708 320 SQ FT $833 100 120 80 60 50 40 30 20 10

      for a small

      fee sizes can

      vary too

      CheapCheap™ Full Color White Styrene Banners/Sheets - 30 mil (30 pt) - shipping included

      These signs ship from Houston, Las Vegas, Louisville, Pittsburgh, Houston, New York and Hartford and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      inquire about art change fees, grommets, die cutting, clear coating and laminating

      printed 1 side 2 5 10 50 100

      in. x in.

      12x12 $85 $94 $106 $203 $341

      12x18 $87 $100 $120 $273 $477 art may vary

      12x24 $89 $106 $134 $341 $615 with a small

      18x24 $95 $120 $149 $478 $888 upcharge

      24x24 $101 $134 $176 $615 $1,162

      24x36 $112 $149 $232 $890 $1,710

      24x48 $122 $176 $286 $1,162 $2,257

      32x48 $136 $213 $358 $1,528 $2,987

      Sizes up to 48x96 available

      These signs ship from St. Louis, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Salt Lake City, Philadelphia, New Orleans & Portland & ship everywhere in the US & Canada.

      printed 2 sides 2 5 10 50 100

      in. x in.

      12x12 $90 $103 $126 $295 $522

      12x18 $93 $114 $148 $409 $748 art may vary

      12x24 $98 $126 $159 $522 $975 with a small

      18x24 $108 $148 $205 $748 $1,429 upcharge

      24x24 $116 $159 $165 $975 $1,882

      24x36 $134 $204 $340 $1,429 $2,790

      24x48 $141 $249 $432 $1,882 $3,697

      32x48 $165 $310 $552 $2,488 $4,906

      Sizes up to 48x96 available

      CheapCheap™ Full Color White Styrene Banners/Sheets - 40 mil (40 pt) - shipping included

      These signs ship from Columbus, Salt Lake City, Cleveland, Boston, Kansas City, Norfolk and San Diego and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      inquire about art change fees, grommets, die cutting, clear coating and laminating

      printed 1 side 2 5 10 50 100

      in. x in.

      12x12 $89 $99 $111 $215 $361

      12x18 $91 $105 $126 $289 $506 art may vary

      12x24 $94 $111 $141 $361 $653 with a small

      18x24 $100 $126 $158 $508 $944 upcharge

      24x24 $106 $141 $186 $653 $1,235

      24x36 $118 $158 $245 $945 $1,818

      24x48 $129 $186 $303 $1,235 $2,400

      32x48 $144 $225 $380 $1,624 $3,176

      Sizes up to 48x96 available

      These signs ship from Nashville, Minneapolis, Boston, Indianapolis, Virginia Beach, Atlanta and Philadelphia and ship everywhere in the US and


      printed 2 sides 2 5 10 50 100

      in. x in.

      12x12 $93 $106 $130 $306 $543

      12x18 $96 $118 $154 $425 $779 art may vary

      12x24 $101 $130 $165 $543 $1,015 with a small

      18x24 $111 $154 $213 $779 $1,488 upcharge

      24x24 $120 $165 $171 $1,015 $1,960

      24x36 $139 $211 $354 $1,488 $2,905

      24x48 $146 $259 $449 $1,960 $3,850

      32x48 $171 $323 $574 $2,591 $5,110

      Sizes up to 48x96 available

      CheapCheap™ Full Color White Styrene Banners/Sheets - 60 mil (60 pt) - shipping included

      These signs ship from Buffalo, Austin, New Orleans, Grand Rapids, Norfolk, Virginia Beach and Raleigh-Durham and ship everywhere in the US and

      Canada. Inquire about art change fees, grommets, die cutting, clear coating and laminating

      printed 1 side 2 5 10 50 100

      in. x in.

      12x12 $89 $99 $115 $238 $406

      12x18 $91 $108 $133 $323 $574 art may vary

      12x24 $93 $116 $150 $406 $743 with a small

      18x24 $103 $133 $171 $574 $1,078 upcharge

      24x24 $110 $150 $205 $743 $1,414

      24x36 $123 $171 $271 $1,079 $2,086

      24x48 $136 $205 $339 $1,414 $2,758

      32x48 $154 $249 $429 $1,861 $3,654

      Sizes up to 48x96 available

      These signs ship from Detroit, Kansas City, Norfolk, San Diego, Jacksonville, Cincinnati and Salt Lake City and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      printed 2 sides 2 5 10 50 100

      in. x in.

      12x12 $93 $109 $134 $329 $588

      12x18 $98 $121 $148 $459 $846 art may vary

      12x24 $104 $134 $174 $588 $1,105 with a small

      18x24 $114 $149 $225 $846 $1,623 upcharge

      24x24 $124 $174 $278 $1,105 $2,140

      24x36 $145 $225 $380 $1,623 $3,174

      24x48 $153 $278 $484 $2,140 $4,209

      32x48 $180 $346 $623 $2,830 $5,589

      Sizes up to 48x96 available

      CheapCheap™ Full Color White Styrene Banners/Sheets - 125 mil (125 pt) - shipping included

      These signs ship from Phoenix, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Orlando, San Antonio, Dallas and Boston and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      inquire about art change fees, grommets, die cutting, clear coating and laminating

      printed 1 side 2 5 10 50 100

      in. x in.

      12x12 $93 $106 $130 $311 $551

      12x18 $98 $119 $155 $431 $793 art may vary

      12x24 $101 $131 $166 $553 $1,034 with a small

      18x24 $111 $155 $215 $793 $1,515 upcharge

      24x24 $121 $166 $263 $1,034 $1,996

      24x36 $140 $1,969 $359 $1,515 $2,961

      24x48 $148 $263 $455 $1,996 $3,923

      32x48 $173 $328 $584 $2,639 $5,208

      Sizes up to 48x96 available

      These signs ship from Columbus, Salt Lake City, Cleveland, Boston, Kansas City, Norfolk and San Diego and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      printed 2 sides 2 5 10 50 100

      in. x in.

      12x12 $96 $116 $149 $401 $733

      12x18 $103 $133 $170 $568 $1,065 art may vary

      12x24 $109 $149 $203 $734 $1,396 with a small

      18x24 $123 $170 $269 $1,064 $2,059 upcharge

      24x24 $135 $203 $335 $1,396 $2,721

      24x36 $150 $269 $468 $2,059 $4,048

      24x48 $176 $335 $600 $2,721 $5,374

      32x48 $211 $424 $778 $3,606 $7,141

      Sizes up to 48x96 available

      CheapCheap™ Styrene Banners -9 mil Printed 1 Side

      These signs ship from Atlanta, Providence, Jacksonville, Charlotte, San Diego, Raleigh-Durham and Oklahoma City and ship everywhere in the US and


      Maximum Size: 48" High X 48" Wide

      We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

      ft. x ft. 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

      20 25 30 40 50

      2x1 $172 $209 $247 $323 $399

      3x1 $247 $304 $361 $475 $588 Signs can be

      1.5x2 $247 $304 $361 $475 $588 different.

      4x1 $323 $399 $475 $626 $778 Group shipping

      2x2 $323 $399 $475 $626 $778 applies.

      3x2 $475 $588 $702 $929 $1,156

      4x2 $626 $778 $929 $1,232 $1,535

      3x3 $702 $872 $1,043 $1,384 $1,724

      4x3 $929 $1,156 $1,384 $1,838 $2,293

      4x4 $1,232 $1,535 $1,838 $2,444 $3,050

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

      Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Inks are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years.

      CheapCheap™ Styrene Banners - 20 mil Printed 1 Side

      These signs ship from Tampa, Houston, Milwaukee, Austin, St. Louis, Atlanta and Columbus and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      Maximum Size: 48" High X 48" Wide

      We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

      ft. x ft. 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

      20 25 30 40 50

      2x1 $221 $271 $322 $422 $523

      3x1 $322 $397 $472 $623 $774

      1.5x2 $322 $397 $472 $623 $774 Signs can be

      4x1 $422 $523 $623 $824 $1,025 different.

      2x2 $422 $523 $623 $824 $1,025 Group shipping

      3x2 $623 $774 $925 $1,226 $1,528 applies.

      4x2 $824 $1,025 $1,226 $1,628 $2,030

      3x3 $925 $1,151 $1,377 $1,829 $2,281

      4x3 $1,226 $1,528 $1,829 $2,432 $3,035

      4x4 $1,628 $2,030 $2,432 $3,236 $4,040

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

      Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Inks are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years.

      CheapCheap™ Styrene Banners - 30 mil Printed 1 Side

      These signs ship from Norfolk, Chicago, Greensboro, St. Louis, Boston, Indianapolis and Nashville and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      Maximum Size: 48" High X 48" Wide

      We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

      ft. x ft. 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

      20 25 30 40 50

      2x1 $220 $270 $320 $421 $521

      3x1 $320 $395 $471 $621 $771 Signs can be

      1.5x2 $320 $395 $471 $621 $771 different.

      4x1 $421 $521 $621 $821 $1,021 Group shipping

      2x2 $421 $521 $621 $821 $1,021 applies.

      3x2 $621 $771 $921 $1,222 $1,522

      4x2 $821 $1,021 $1,222 $1,622 $2,023

      3x3 $921 $1,146 $1,372 $1,822 $2,273

      4x3 $1,222 $1,522 $1,822 $2,423 $3,024

      4x4 $1,622 $2,023 $2,423 $3,224 $4,025

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

      Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Inks are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years.

      CheapCheap™ Styrene Banners - 20 mil Printed 2 Sides

      These signs ship from Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, Columbus, Greensboro, Minneapolis, Boston & Indianapolis & ship everywhere in the US & Canada.

      Maximum Size: 48" High X 48" Wide

      We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

      ft. x ft. 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

      20 25 30 40 50

      2x1 $421 $521 $621 $821 $1,021

      3x1 $621 $771 $921 $1,222 $1,522 Signs can be

      1.5x2 $621 $771 $921 $1,222 $1,522 different.

      4x1 $821 $1,021 $1,222 $1,622 $2,023 Group shipping

      2x2 $821 $1,021 $1,222 $1,622 $2,023 applies.

      3x2 $1,222 $1,522 $1,822 $2,423 $3,024

      4x2 $1,622 $2,023 $2,423 $3,224 $4,025

      3x3 $1,822 $2,273 $2,723 $3,625 $4,526

      4x3 $2,423 $3,024 $3,625 $4,826 $6,028

      4x4 $3,224 $4,025 $4,826 $6,428 $8,030

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

      Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Inks are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years.

      CheapCheap™ Styrene Banners - 30 mil Printed 2 Sides

      These signs ship from Phoenix, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Orlando, San Antonio, Dallas and Boston and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      Maximum Size: 48" High X 48" Wide

      We don't mark up shipping, please call 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.

      ft. x ft. 20 signs 25 signs 30 signs 40 signs 50 signs

      20 25 30 40 50

      2x1 $421 $521 $622 $822 $1,023

      3x1 $622 $772 $922 $1,223 $1,524

      1.5x2 $622 $772 $922 $1,223 $1,524 Signs can be

      4x1 $822 $1,023 $1,223 $1,624 $2,025 different.

      2x2 $822 $1,023 $1,223 $1,624 $2,025 Group shipping

      3x2 $1,223 $1,524 $1,825 $2,426 $3,028 applies.

      4x2 $1,624 $2,025 $2,426 $3,228 $4,030

      3x3 $1,825 $2,276 $2,727 $3,629 $4,531

      4x3 $2,426 $3,028 $3,629 $4,832 $6,035

      4x4 $3,228 $4,030 $4,832 $6,436 $8,040

      Other sizes and quantities available, inquire to 216.227.8521 or email us at FullColorPrintings@gmail.com

      Resolution: Digitally printed at 720 x 720 resolution. Usage: Indoor or Outdoor; Inks are waterproof and UV safe that will last for years.

      CheapCheap™ Styrene Banners - One through Five Spot Colors



      These signs ship from Washington D.C., Miami, San Diego, Dallas, Cincinnati, San Antonio and Minneapolis and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.

      or these signs ship from Cleveland, Jacksonville, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Louisville, Portland and Cleveland and ship everywhere in the US and Canada.